Chapter 1 : Introduction to Biology
Learning Area - The Scientific Investigation
Learning Objective - Appplying Scientific Investigation
Learning Objectives - At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Identify 3 types of variables in a given situation
2. Identify the relationship between the manipulative and
responding variables to form a hypothesis
3. Design and carry out a simple experiment to test the
4. Record and present data in a table, graph and drawing
5. Interpret data to form conclusion
6. Write a report on an experiment
7. Practise scientific attitudes and noble values
The Scientific Investigation
- Methods of scientific inquiry involves the use of scientific skills. Scientific skills can be divided into 2 components: science process skill and manipulative skills.
- Science process skill - critical, analytical and creative thinking skills which enables a scientist to formulate questions and find out the answer and explanation to a phenomenan in a systematic manner.
- Manipulative skills - psychomotor skills that enable scientists to carry out a scientific investigation.
The Scientific Method
- Is the process of gathering facts based on an observable event or phenomenan.
- The steps involved in scientific investigation:
1. Identifying a problem
- Begin with observation of a specific phenomenan using the 5 senses.
- The observation lead to pose a question ( stating a problem ) and identify problem related to observation.
- After stating the problem, an inference is made based on past experience or prior knowledge. An inference is not a fact.
2. Forming a hypothsis
- A general statement about an observed event or a preliminary explanation for it.
- The validity has not been proven yet.
3. Planning an ivestigation
- Involves collecting the relevant information about an experiment, determining the apparatus and the materials needed and planning the procedures of the experiment.
4. Identifying and controlling variables
- Factors or conditions which can influence the outcome of the investigation
- 3 type of variables:
1. Manipulated variable - Factor that causes an observable event or phenomenan.
- An independent variables which is controlled at different values to test a hypothesis.
2. Responding variables - The dependent variable which is the outcome of an experiment or investigation due to the changes in manipulated variables.
- It can be observed or measured or recorded.
3. Fixed or constant variables - Factors which have signicant effects on the outcome of the experiment and must be kept constant throughout the experiment.
5. Conducting the experiment
- A quantitative experiment is repeated a few times to obtain a more precise and reliable average or mean reading.
- When conducting an experiment, the apparatus, materials and specimens uses must be handed correctly.
- During the experiment, all variables must be determined and all observations must be made accurately.
- The experimental design should include a control experiment ( similar in every aspect to the test experiment except that the manipulated variable is kept constant.
6. Collecting data or experimental results
- Is a result of an experiment and are obtained by means of observation and measurement.
7. Recording data
- Data are presented in the form of tables, graphs or simple diagram.
8. Analysing and interpreting data
- The relationship between the manipulated variable and responding variable is determined.
9. Making conclusion
- One rational conclusion is drawn whether the result support or refute the hypothesis.
10. Writing a report
- Format of report writing
1. Objective
2. Problem statement
3. Hypothesis
4. Variables
5. Materials and apparatus
6. Technique
7. Procdure
8. Result
9. Discussion
10. Conclusion
Scientific Attitudes and Nobles Values
1. Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment.
2. Being honest and accurate in recording and validating data.
3. Being diligent and persevering.
4. Being responsible about the safety of oneself, others, and the environment.
5. Realising that science is a means to understand nature.
6. Appreciating and practising clean and healthy living.
7. Appreciating the balance of nature.
8. Being respectful and well-mannered.
9. Appreciating the contribution of science and technology.
10. Being thankful to God.
11. Having critical and analytical thinking.
12. Being flexible and open-minded.
13. Being kind-hearted and caring.
14. Being objective.
15. Being systematic.
16. Being cooperative.
17. Being fair and just.
18. Dare to try.
19. Thinking rationally.
20. Being confident and independent
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